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Asian Administrators & Recruiters Conference

Yeah…we were confused at first too.

What you are looking at is the Korean team’s performance outfit at our annual Asian Administrators & Recruiters Conference 2018!




(They are the Power Rangers by the way)

Congrats to Winnie Toh (left), and Liyan (right) for being chosen to be sent to Four Points by Sheraton


👟 There was a Tele-match

👗 There were workshops

🌺 There was a Hawaiian themed Gala Dinner

We don’t just let our Brand Ambassadors have all the fun in travelling and developing, we also invest a lot in our business partners (the administrators)! To make sure our administrators don’t become the cast of ‘The Walking Dead’, we even have professional coaching so that they can continue to stay fresh and be on top of their game.

Let’s just say, you would definitely want to be invited for the next one 😉

“In one of the topics run, it was about challenging yourself. Getting out of your comfort zone and seeing what you can do with the resources provided. She gave each team 50,000 Rupiah (~SGD $5), and we only had 30 minutes to gather as many things as we could. To win, you had to ensure what you bought was worth a lot more value than what you started out with.

One of the learning points I gathered was ‘You don’t know what you can achieve, until you put yourself out there to see what can be done.’

Initially, we felt very uncomfortable asking strangers for things and bargaining. However, because the group was too big, we had to split up and that was when we realised we were not holding any cash, and started to ask people for free things. THANKFULLY, the friendly Balinese were so generous and offered some stuff to us! We got 2 cappuccinos, a free singlet, and a bottle of mineral water at absolutely no cost!

We felt good for having challenged ourselves! It was a very humbling experience when we started hearing from the other teams and learnt of how much more they were able to achieve. There were 2 groups that didn’t even spend their 50,000 Rupiah at all. The winning group bought an ‘experience’ which was priceless: In Indonesia, you can rent motorcycles, and since none of them had ever ridden on one before, they told the owner they wanted the experience but had no money. The owner then graciously gave them a free ride! Another team spent their money to buy key chains and re-sold it at a higher price. They were able to buy better items with the extra money they have earned. 

A few brains can come up with Grade A ideas, but if you have many more brains and being put to the challenge, you will really be surprised by the results people can bring.”

~ Winnie Toh, Recruitment & Administration Manager


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