Described as the "Back Bones" of the organisation, this is the team that provides the essential support and coordination for the sales team to focus on their core responsibilities. As we believe in building relationships outside of work, every few months the team is treated to a well-deserved break from the usual office routine where they get to end work earlier to participate in an activity of their choice.
Sponsored by our lovely Managing Directors, the activity that they voted to go for was a wheel-throwing pottery workshop with Am I Addicted. Check out their artwork of cups , bowls, plates, and vases!
There must have been a blue moon that night because the Managing Directors joined us for dinner!
With them in the front line running office meetings, attending client appointments, and having many catch up sessions with the sales team, we're glad we could all hang out together outside of the office walls.
At Cajun On Wheels, we ordered their fresh seafood buckets which was dumped straight on to our table. Equipped with a tiny wooden mallet, we channelled our inner God of Thunder and sent pieces of crab flying everywhere. Did you really eat at Cajun On Wheels if you don't have pieces of crab in your hair?